Photographs taken in 2021

In November 2021, I traveled through a part of the United States to discover new abandoned places and to find new pianos. I had been working on this project for more than 4 years: making contacts, searching on the internet, creating links with photographers, associations and institutions… On November 9th, the United States reopened its borders to Europeans, so I quickly decided to leave and realize this dream initially planned for March 2020.

 What an unforgettable experience! On the spot, I crossed the state of New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Accompanied by an American friend, we visited more than 20 abandoned places. Victorian houses, hotels, old boarding schools, theaters … I immortalized nine pianos in varying states of disrepair. Many Lester, Cunningham, Poole and Steinway & sons pianos. I also recorded the sounds, in situ, of all the photographed pianos for my future artistic project.


© 2014-2022 Romain Thiery, tous droits réservés/reproduction interdite

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